Cara uninstall bluestacks
Cara uninstall bluestacks

cara uninstall bluestacks

Whereas, a pop-up balloon appears on the taskbar informing that the app has been uninstalled. Wait till a horizontal red line appears striking the app name: As soon as the app is uninstalled, a red horizontal line appears on the name of the app indicating that the app has successfully uninstalled.Confirm your decision: A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm your decision to uninstall the app.Select the Delete option (trash icon) to uninstall the application: Select the trash icon on the row of the app you wish to uninstall Whereas, select the BlueStacks Settings to open the settings menu. Go to BlueStacks Settings: Select All Apps from the top-right side of the screen to open the App Drawer.Open BlueStacks: Open any app from the apps folder in the Library or using the icon to start BlueStacks.

cara uninstall bluestacks

How To Uninstall Apps On Bluestacks Using BlueStacks Settings If you want to download the best Bluestacs games then, Click Here. Bluestacks take your gaming experience to the next level of gaming. Most of the people install lots of games and application on their Bluestacks. For using Bluestacks you will need a computer with a good configuration. What Is Bluestacksįirstly, bluestacks is an emulator which in which you can play or use Android Application On your computer. In this article you will find details about How To Uninstall Apps On Bluestacks. Secondly, using Advanced Settings and both of them are quite easy to perform. Firstly, using the BlueStacks Settings you can get rid of those apps. If you want to get rid of the apps on the Bluestaks, then it’s done in two simple ways.

Cara uninstall bluestacks